2.5 acs. 1.25± acre Delano Lot and 1.25± acre McKittrick Lot


Delano, CA

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Status: For Sale
Acres: 2.5±
Price Per Acre: $32,480


These two (2) 1.25± acre opportunities are located in Delano and McKittrick, CA. These properties serve as a great opportunity for a rural living home site with extra room to live. Both properties are located close to power utilities but do not have access to water currently. Land uses include but are not limited to; rural living, home site with extra room, equipment yard, or solar.


The Delano property is best accessed from Cecil Avenue, 8 miles east from Highway 43, turning north down the dirt road. Approximately 6± miles west of Delano, 146± miles north of Los Angeles and 257± miles south of Sacramento. The McKittrick property is best accessed from Lost Hills Road, turning east on 7th Standard Road, located 4± miles from Lost Hills Road. Approximately 14± miles north of McKittrick, 144± miles north of Los Angeles and 259± miles South of Sacramento.


Kern County, APN: 047-020-05. Kern County, APN: 086-312-29.


Neither properties have current access to water. With utilities close to both properties, there is an opportunity to drill a domestic well.


The Delano land is zoned PL (Platted Lands), RS (Residential Suburban), MH (Mobile Home), and FP (Flood Plain). According to the Kern County website the McKittrick land is zoned A (Exclusive Agricultural) and is not enrolled in the Williamson Act.

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