29.64 acs. Biola F I D Almonds


Kerman, CA

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Status: For Sale
Acres: 29.64±
Price Per Acre: $39,500


This well-maintained almond orchard is located off W. Shaw Avenue in the Biola area with Grade 1 – Excellent soil. It is within the Fresno Irrigation District and is entitled to receive surface water allocation. There is also a 25 HP submersible pump and well, and the orchard is irrigated with a dual line drip irrigation system.


The property is located on the west side of N. Vineland Avenue just south of W. Shaw Avenue, approximately 1.5 miles west of Biola. Physical address: 4695 N. Vineland Avenue, Kerman, CA 93630.


016-070-18 (19.76± ac.) and 30 (9.88± ac.)


Fresno Irrigation District. (Water is distributed through a pipeline with 6” valves and concrete pots for flood irrigation.) 25 HP submersible pump & well Dual line drip system


AE-20, Agricultural Exclusive - 20 acres. The parcels are enrolled in the Williamson Act contract.

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