70 acs. Lindmore Clementine Ranch
Strathmore, CA
Status: For Sale
Acres: 70±
Price Per Acre: $36,000
Available for sale is a nicely farmed citrus ranch located west of Strathmore, California. The property features mature Clemenules Clementine mandarins and two sources of water. There is a small rental home on the southeast corner of the property.
The property is located on the north side of Avenue 200 between Road 180 and Road 172. The property address is 17603 Ave 200, Strathmore, California.
Tulare County APN: 198-010-002.
The trees are irrigated by one Ag well and the property receives surface water from Lindmore Irrigation District. The residence has its own domestic well. The property is located in East Kaweah GSA.
Zoning is AE-40