542 acs. Virginia Ranch
Alpaugh, CA
Status: For Sale
Acres: 542±
Price Per Acre: $13,500
The 542± acre ranch includes irrigated farmland planted to pistachios. The ranch is split into 22 contiguous parcels. The sellers have another 156.42± acre property listed for sale just southeast of the property called the Mitchell Ranch.
The property is located on the northeast corner of Avenue 54 and Road 16, Alpaugh, CA 93201
Tulare County APN’s: 311-310-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 011 & 012; 311-320-003, 004, 006, 007, 008, 009 & 010 and 311-340-001, 002, 003, 004, 013 & 014.
The property receives water through the Alpaugh Irrigation District. The crop is irrigated by dual drip lines via a 250 HP diesel lift pump.
Zone AE-40 (Agricultural Exclusive – 40 acres) The property is located within the Williamson Act.